Premier Draghi: Italija ponovno odpira rezultat cepljenja

“We expect an economic jump this quarter; the growth figures will be revised upwards. But for a growth that is sustained, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is needed,” Prime Minister Draghi said.

The issue of migrants is outside the decree, however, the subject of questions from reporters, given the contingency of the issue, both for the recent landings in Lampedusa and Ceuta and for “the reallocation mechanism,” explained Draghi, “has been to sleep for some time. I will propose it again at the European Council on Monday, May 24; we will have it on the agenda of another European Council, but an agreement must absolutely be found.”

It is extremely improper that we discuss the head of state when he is in office

The race for the Quirinale is also excluded from the “Dl Sostegni” reported topical by the words of President Sergio Mattarella, who made it clear once more that he did not want to consider the hypothesis of an extension of the mandate: “I find it extremely improper, to be polite, that the head of state is discussed when he is in office – Draghi cut it short. The only one authorized to speak about the head of state is the President of the Republic.”

#obnova potovanja


O avtorju

Mario Masciullo - eTN Italija

Mario je veteran v potovalni industriji.
Njegove izkušnje segajo po vsem svetu od leta 1960, ko je pri 21 letih začel raziskovati Japonsko, Hongkong in Tajsko.
Mario je videl, kako se svetovni turizem razvija do danes, in bil priča temu
uničenje korena/pričevanja preteklosti velikega števila držav v prid modernosti/napredku.
Mario se je v zadnjih 20 letih potovalnih izkušenj skoncentriral v jugovzhodni Aziji, v zadnjem času pa tudi na indijski podcelini.

Del Mariovih delovnih izkušenj vključuje več dejavnosti na področju civilnega letalstva
polje, ki se je zaključilo po organizaciji kik off -a za Malaysia Singapore Airlines v Italiji kot inštitut in je 16 let po razhodu obeh vlad oktobra 1972 ostal v vlogi vodje prodaje /trženja Italija za Singapore Airlines.

Mariovo uradno novinarsko dovoljenje podeljuje "Nacionalni red novinarjev Rim, Italija, 1977.

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