Vizija, moč, denar: podpisana je izjava o oživitvi turizma v Afriki

The Nairobi Declaration – July 16, 2021

TRS | eTurboNews | eTN
Signed in Kenya, July 16, 2021
  • Cepljenje.

There is need for social justice and equity in vaccine access to ensure that a bigger population of the continent is vaccinated and to build confidence in Destination Africa. Africa tourism requires support in accessing and funding the vaccination campaign.

  • We need to make Africa a Domestic Market.

This will help to build sustainability and resilience.

  • Break Barriers, e.g., Visa to ease movement across the continent to tap into the young and growing middle class yearning to travel.
  • Connectivity by Air.

Formulate Airlines that serve within Africa for ease of movement and affordability of travel.

  • Invest in Human Capital  Development.

To upskill the human resources in the industry for the current and future tourism demand.

  • Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation.

Sustainability in tourism in preserving tourism’s core resources and ensuring benefits to communities and resilience against crises such as the current pandemic. 

  • Afriški turistični forum v okviru Afriške unije za usklajevanje afriškega turizma s skupno strategijo in načrtom za izpolnitev želja za destinacijo Afrika. To bo omogočilo osredotočeno sodelovanje s ključnimi akterji, kot sta IATA in UNWTO.
  • COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity to refocus the national and international tourism institution.
  • Train the youth for the tourism of the future. This will enable the ability to leverage the demographic dividend in Africa as a resource as well as a future market and stability.
  • Review tourism policies and strategies to incorporate emerging trends on global tourism and address the current needs on the continent.
  • Use of technology in various aspects of the tourism industry including marketing, research, and packaging of products and experiences.
  • Governments to prioritize tourism and provide adequate funding to enable the sector to optimize its potential for economic growth and development as well as job creation.
  • Africa to invest in infrastructure to connect country to country to increase opportunity for African travel across the continent and enhance the visitor experience.
  • Special fund for tourism will help to support capacity building and product development.
  • Develop an African Brand. Visit Africa for Africa. Correctly position Africa and ensure sustainable demand for tourism products.
  • Develop an attractive environment to enhance investment in the sector.

The Hon. Najib Balala and Edmund Bartlett also have been playing a leading role in the Project Hope initiative by the Afriški odbor za turizem pod pokroviteljstvom nekdanjih UNWTO Generalni sekretar dr. Taleb Rifai. Predsednik ATB Cuthbert Ncube je pozdravil dogodek v Keniji in ponudil svojo popolno podporo.

The declaration was signed at the Africa Tourism Recovery Summit in Kenya and will be published here once available.


O avtorju

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz je že kot najstnik v Nemčiji (1977) nenehno delal v potovalni in turistični industriji.
Ustanovil je eTurboNews leta 1999 kot prvo spletno glasilo za svetovno turistično turistično industrijo.

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