Teror v Reading UK je spodbudil Dusseldorf v Nemčiji, da se odzove

Teror v Reading UK je spodbudil Dusseldorf v Nemčiji, da se odzove


  • “We are so very sad to report that on Saturday 20th June, James Furlong, our wonderfully talented and inspirational Head of History and Government and Politics was tragically killed in the terrorist incident at Forbury Gardens in Reading.
  • Furlong has been described as a “kind and gentleman” who had a “real sense of duty and cared for each and every one of our students”.
  • He was determined that our students would develop a critical awareness of global issues and in doing so, become active citizens and have a voice.


O avtorju

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz je že kot najstnik v Nemčiji (1977) nenehno delal v potovalni in turistični industriji.
Ustanovil je eTurboNews leta 1999 kot prvo spletno glasilo za svetovno turistično turistično industrijo.

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