Italian Blue Panorama Airlines začne leteti na Sejšele

Italijanska letalska družba Blue Panorama se pripravlja na svoj otvoritveni let 14. februarja v turistični raj Sejšelskih otokov v Indijskem oceanu in je zdaj začela svoj februarski let.

The Blue Panorama Airline of Italy is getting ready for its 14th February inaugural flight to the tourist paradise of the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean and have now launched their February Inflight Magazine (Mondo in Blue) early with a spectacular Seychelles picture as its Front Cover.

Na sprednji platnici 'Mondo v modrem' je naslovna celovečerna zgodba februarske številke z naslovom SEYCHELLES, IL PARADISO VI ATTENDE (Sejšeli, raj vas čaka). Revija prinaša štiristransko zgodbo o Sejšelih z izjemnimi slikami rajskih otokov v srednjem oceanu.

Verjamemo, da je gospod Franco Pecci, predsednik Blue Panorama Airline osebno izbral sliko, ki je bila prikazana na naslovnici njihove najnovejše revije Inflight Magazine.

Italijanska letalska družba Blue Panorama bo od 14. februarja (Valentinovo) začela tedensko storitev NON STOP iz Rima in Milana neposredno na Sejšele. Od julija nameravajo storitev povečati na dva tedenska leta.

Franco Pecci v svojem uvodniku v februarski številki revije Blue Panorama Airline Inflight Magazine piše:

»Medtem v naši domovini je zima mrzla in dnevi temni, ponujamo toploto in svetlobo Sejšelov, čarobnega otočja, kjer je narava podivjala kot veliki umetnik in ustvarja pokrajino, ki je neizmerno veselje za oči. . Mahe, Praslin, La Digue so res očarljivi…”

Alain St.Ange, CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board and Capt David Savy, the Chairman of the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority who met last week with Mr Franco Pecci and his Team at the Blue Panorama Airline Head Quarters in Rome in Italy have both said that the commitment by the President and the Managemant Team of the Blue Panorama Airline of Italy to open direct airlink between Italy and the Seychelles was a welcomed move. “This direct air access by an Italian airlines from Italy, one of our main tourist markets, is a real plus for our country. The Italian Holiday makers continue to look for sun and for the clean white sandy beaches that the Seychelles remains so known for. Seychelles is also renowned as being the land of perpetual summer. We are convinced that the short direct flight by the Blue Panorama Airline from Italy to Seychelles will be an immediate success. The price we know is right, and it is clear that Blue Panorama Airline will help make Seychelles accessible as never before for the Italian Holiday makers…” they said.


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Linda Hohnholz

Odgovorni urednik za eTurboNews s sedežem na sedežu eTN.

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